
Sacred Wicca

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The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagrams




Before you can begin the Banishing Ritual, you must learn two grade signs, the Sign of the Enterer and the Sign of Silence.

The Sign of the Enterer is used to project magickal energy.  To perform the Sign of the Enterer you must stand with your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart.  Visualize a star shining just above your head.  Inhale silently and visualize a shaft of white light coming down through your body from the star above you to a second star beneath your feet.  As you inhale draw down the light and raise your elbows upward and outward, parallel with your shoulders.  Hold your hands flat beside your neck, palms downward, and fingers extended, pointing forward.  Suddenly and forcefully step forward with your left foot, thrust your hands directly forward, and lower your head between your arms, eyes forward.  As you do so exhale silently, visualize the Light raising back up through your body, and project it out through your fingertips.

The Sign of Silence is used for protection against any attack or to stop or seal the motion of Magical Energy.  When projected with the Sign of the Enterer, Magical Current tends to rebound upon the Operator through a reflux wave.  The Sign of Silence prevents this rebounding of Energy on the Inner Planes.  It should be used to confine a Force during the Consecration of Talismans. It should also be used after the tracing of Banishing Pentagrams in Ceremonial Magick.  DO NOT use it following the Sign of the Enterer during an Invocation because we WANT the invoked forces to flood back through the invoking pentagrams and come into the Magick Circle.

To perform the Sign of Silence, make a fist with your left hand and extend your left forefinger.  Bring your left hand up to your mouth and touch the centre of your lips with your left forefinger.  When performed with the Sign of the Enterer, bring your left foot back parallel with your shoulders and stamp once forcefully with your left foot.  Visualize simultaneously that a water vapour encircles and encloses you.


The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

  1. Look around and assure yourself that the Charged Force of any Consecrated Magical Implement will not be accidentally banished.
  2. Stand West of the altar facing East, holding your Athame.  Begin with the Rite of the Qabalistic Cross.
  3. Go to the East of the altar moving always in a deosil (clockwise) motion.  Trace a light blue (tinged with golden white, like the flame of a gas stove) Banishing Earth Pentagram while vibrating YOD-HE-VAV-HE.  Project blue light through its centre using the Sign of the enterer.  Give the Sign of Silence. (YOD – Fire  HE – Water VAV Air He Earth)
  4. Pierce the centre of the Pentagram with the Athame.  Trace a line of white Light as you move to the South.
  5. Trace a blue banishing Earth Pentagram while vibrating A-DO-NI.  Project blue light through its centre using the Sign of the Enterer.  Give the Sign of Silence. (A-DO-NI.  South)
  6. Pierce the centre of the Pentagram with the Athame.  Trace a line of white Light as you move to the West.
  7. Trace a blue banishing Earth Pentagram while vibrating E-HE-YE.  Project blue light through its centre using the Sign of the Enterer.  Give the Sign of Silence. (E-HE-YE West)
  8. Pierce the centre of the Pentagram with the Athame.  Trace a line of white Light as you move to the North.
  9. Trace a blue banishing Earth Pentagram while vibrating A-GE-LA. Project blue light through its centre using the Sign of the Enterer.  Give the Sign of Silence. (A-GE-LA North)

 10.  Pierce the center of the Pentagram with the Athame.  Trace a line of white Light as you move back to the East.

11.  Facing East,   give the Sign of Osiris Slain (with your arms outstretched horizontally to your sides, Athame pointing upward in your right hand).  Say forcefully, and vibrating as indicated:  Before me RA-FA-EL, behind me GAV-RA-EL, to my right ME-KA-El, to my left U-RA-El, about me flame the Pentagrams (touch Athame to your forehead) and in the column shines the Six Rayed Star.

 Repeat the Rite of the Qabalistic Cross.