
Sacred Wicca

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I call on your wisdom.
Teach me your tricks of thought and memory.
Lend me your eloquence
To speak of the hidden mysteries.
Help me use the tools around me to attain my goals.
And if I do not find those tools,
Teach me to craft them
Help me fly with agility to where I’m most needed.
Guide me in the ways of the sentinel
Teach me to sing for love and
To return to those places where it has lived before.
I ask for your strength
In the Face of intimidation.
I ask for your wings
As I dive into darkness and return with knowledge.
                                                                                                                                                                                         I ask for your magick
                                                                                                         In shaping the unformed into a beautiful reality.
                                                                                                                I call on thee

                                                                                                                                                                                           Travis Bowman 


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